Home Entertainment A Street food Show Become Celebrated

A Street food Show Become Celebrated



A Street food Show Become Celebrated

By: Thevamalar a/p Jayasanker

Kuala Lumpur- “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”-Winston S. Churchill. This is how he also struggle a lot with portraits himself in a frame of success. His name is Balaganapathy William, 27 years old, Bachelor’s in Honours Mechatronic Engineering at UCSI University. He never fails to get and fight want he really wants. He studied for a Mechatronic Engineering but now he’s a very famous entrepreneur in a broadcast industry, Malaysia. He has his own studio as well named BGW STUDIO.

Preliminarily, he had started his journey by joined media industry as a debut host, Television anchor and debut acting too.  His career starts by doing a small television show and getting chance in acting roles. Now he is the founder and CEO of the BGW STUDIO. Hence, he also showcases many talented artist and technician to the Malaysian Indian Film Industry. He also contributes a lot to the development of the quality cinemas as well and provides golden opportunities to the newcomers. Now he became a very competitive and strong producer in Malaysia. He had successfully produced TV commercials, film production and music videos. The most famous and get a huge support is for his TV commercial show named ‘RasikkaRusikka’. It’s basically a food traveling kind of show which gets a highest TRP rate in his history until he is doing his season 5 of this show now. A food traveling program whereby Balaganapathy William travels on a bike and tastes all the best street foods throughout Malaysia.

He used all the social media opportunity to promotes his new products. Perhaps, it works on and helps him to catch audience preferences and gain more viewers too. “Quality and competence really plays a good role to fulfill the satisfaction of audiences; Audiences satisfaction and gratitude are our strength” said Balaganapathy. Moreover,he is one of the industry people who really skilled in using ICT.Social media has created opportunities for consumers to participate in all aspects of the media value chain and created direct connectivity between the public. Furthermore, it makes his works faster, easier, smaller, better quality and more powerful.

“I never ever give up: I’d keep on try and gave the best even in the small role even though I have the biggest opposition in my family side,” said Balaganapathy. “Until I’m getting into the success I don’t have much family support and I continue to do what I like to do; Now I’ve seen a lot of successes and my family realized, encourage and celebrating my hardworking,” said Balaganapathy. Nevertheless, experience and knowledge lead him to successful career life.

The advertisement of the show


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