Start a business from college
Techouz has brought great convenience to UPM students and become a model for college students to start their own businesses.
By: Wang Jia Qi
Techouz is a startup business, established in the year 2017. From the name itself, Techouz which means technology house, they focus our business mainly on repairing and servicing laptops.
Currently, they have 14 team members andone physical shop located at Lot 1@Putrabiz Kiosk, Kompleks Akademik A, UPM.
Fareen, one of this team ,said in interview: We value our customers time very much. Hence we provide free pick up and delivery for them as per our tagline “Where convenience, quality and price meet”
Techouz’s Founder, Zakaria Zarkasi started this business woth the motivation to help as many people as he could. Zakaria Zarkasi is one of UPM students itself. He runs a few businesses before Techouz and he had hit his downfall due to some issues. He does not have any business background and he did not study business in UPM but he took the first step by joining outside classes in business management. The moment he realised where he was lacking, he knew he had to do something because business is in his blood. He thought that what the point of having everything is but there are people out there who don’t know who to refer to when they have problems. Then he narrowed the scope to technology. This is because, everyone should at least own a laptop. He established Techouz and shared his vision with his team members, where this one team strive to help their beloved customers and at the same time, provide work opportunities to the students in need.
At first, Techouz started with only two team members which is Zakaria himself and his brother as the technician. Since one of his objectives is to help other students by giving work opportunities, he started to take team members in.
Each team members have to go through an interview which was very rare. This is because, part timers in UPM normally don’t have to go through interview. The reason for such action is that he wanted to expose the students as closely as he can to prepare them when they want to apply for job after graduation later.
Fareen said: Our members put money as our number two reward. Our number one reward is the experience and knowledge. Techouz gives out opportunity for the team members to grow themselves by sending them out for seminars. One of the seminars is business management itself and Techouz fully sponsored everything. This shows that Techouz believe in its members as well as giving them the chance to develop themselves. Each members are not limited to learn just one thing only. We explore other departments and learn about it too. For example, a member from the sales department can learn how to install Microsoft from the technician too.
In Techouz, theirvision is to be the number 1 reference for UPM students and staffs within one year after the establishment of the company. In 5 years time, Techouz will have one kiosk in 21 public universities in Malaysia..
At last , Fareen told me about entrepreneurship, she said: Entrepreneurship to me means having the will and courage to take on financial risks while setting up a business. In addition, an entrepreneur will make sure one business will grow bigger, and does not stay in a stagnant phase only. And for all the young entrepreneurship out there, do not be afraid to make the first move because the only way to finish is to start. Don’t feel comfortable with where your business is now and keep on craving and searching for new knowledge. Change now or be changed later.