Home Insurance/Takaful Perkhidmatan Pembaharuan Insuran Kereta / Projek / Perniagaan

Perkhidmatan Pembaharuan Insuran Kereta / Projek / Perniagaan


Rosnani Agency menawarkan perkhidmatan Memperbaharui Insurans/Takaful serta pembaharuan Cukai Jalan.

Kami merupakan wakil yang dilantik oleh pengendali Takaful;

1) Etiqa Takaful

2) Takaful Malaysia


Hubungi kami di talian 03-8733 4391

Sebarang pertanyaan juga boleh hubungi kami malalui facebook… KLIK di sini https://www.facebook.com/rosnani.chelah?fref=ts

Alamat: No 32-1A Jalan Putra 7, Taman Putra, 43000 Kajang, Selangor


Perkhidmatan Insuran-insuran lain adalah;

SME Business Insurance

• SME Food & Beverage

• SME Light Manufacturing

• SME Office

• SME Retail

Coverage Details – Section A (Compulsory – At Least One Class)


1. Fire

1.1 On Building & Renovation

1.2 On Machinery, Equipments & Tools

1.3 On Office Contents, Furniture, Fixtures & Fitting

1.4 On Professional Fees

1.5 On Removal of Debris

1.6 On Stock in Trade

1.7 On Any Other Subject Matter Covered (Please Specify)

2. All Risk

2.1 On Office Equipment

2.2 On Any Other Subject Matter Covered (Please Specify)

Coverage Details – Section B (Choose One Plan)

1.1 Burglary

1.2 Money

i. Money in participant’s premises

ii. Money in transit from participant’s premises to the bank and vice versa

1.3 Public Liability

1.4 Plate Glass & Signboard

1.5 Employer’s Liability

1.6 Group Personal Accident No of person covered: 10 person

1.7 Fidelity Guarantee Maximum group: 10 person


Project Insurance

• Comprehensive General Liability (CGL)

• Workmen Compensation

• All Risk

• SME Retail

• Marine Insurance

Keyman Insurance

• Keyman Insurance is simply life insurance on the key person in a business.

• These are the people who are crucual to a business

• The ones whose absence would put the company into financial strain.


Who can be a Keyman?

A Keyman can be anyone directly associated with the business whose loss can cause financial strain to the business.

For example:

Director of a company, partner, Key Sales People, Key Project Managers, People with specific skills or knowledge which is especially valuable to the company.


Employee Hospital Benefits

A dynamic employee benefit landscape is prompting organizations in all industries to review their employee and retiree benefit strategies. Hospitals in particular have a unique opportunity to manage benefit costs effectively while meeting their critical employee attraction


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