Home MN TV 210010 BicaraNiaga: Honeywell UV Treatment, Teknologi Ultraviolet-C Light Basmi 99.99% Virus/Bakteria

210010 BicaraNiaga: Honeywell UV Treatment, Teknologi Ultraviolet-C Light Basmi 99.99% Virus/Bakteria


210010 BicaraNiaga: Honeywell UV Treatment, Teknologi Ultraviolet-C Light Basmi 99.99% Virus/Bakteria

Hubungi Kami Untuk Demo Percuma: http://www.wasap.my/60182236850/@MN_Honeywell_UV_Treatment

(UVC) hand wand with portable battery and carrying case designed to reduce various viruses and bacteria on high-touch surfaces anywhere.

The Honeywell UV Treatment Wand is a battery-powered ultraviolet-c (UVC) hand wand that, when properly applied, can reduce certain viruses and bacteria on targeted surfaces. With a lightweight battery and carrying case, it can go anywhere a person can go.

While our cart-based UV Treatment System is specifically designed for larger transportation systems like airlines, the Honeywell UV Treatment Wand is ideal for smaller, hard-to-reach spaces like business aircraft, vehicles, buildings or high-touch surfaces anywhere. Weighing about 15 pounds, the UV Treatment Wand can be employed either as a backpack or pull-behind case, offering operators unmatched versatility and efficiency. Unlike 222nm excimer systems that require more time or closer proximity to achieve the same dose, our 254nm UVC wand can treat more area in less time at a fraction of the price.

In clinical studies, UVC technology has been found to significantly reduce various bacteria and viruses on targeted surfaces at prescribed dosages. Recently, 254nm UVC has been found in limited clinical testing to be capable of inactivating SARS-CoV-2 (the virus which causes COVID-19) at certain doses.*
The Honeywell UV Treatment Wand is part of a complete suite of products aimed at helping operators enhance their cleaning and safety protocols. Minimize downtime, reduce cost of ownership and help inspire confidence with the Honeywell UV Treatment Wand

Hubungi Kami Untuk Demo Percuma: http://www.wasap.my/60182236850/@MN_Honeywell_UV_Treatment


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